For many Australians, building a brand new home is the dream. After 46 years of marriage, Pauline and her husband Chris have recently achieved this! And it’s been worth the wait.

Originally from South Australia, the couple met in their school days in Port Augusta and have created a happy life together. With three beautiful daughters who are now grown up with families of their own, Pauline explains that moving to Kaduna Park from Adelaide was to be closer to family.
“Our eldest daughter headed off to live overseas with her husband and our grandkids, and our other two daughters live nearby in Kaduna Park.”
Building a home in Kaduna Park felt like the right move for Pauline and Chris to thrive in their twilight years, and living near two of their children means they can support one another too.
When it came to selecting a spot to build their home, Pauline says that she took a backseat in the decision-making, leaving it up to her children with their local knowledge.
“Our daughters thought this block would suit us and it’s nice and close to the park and near to our daughters.”
As well as selecting the best block of land for their parents, Pauline’s daughters were central in choosing the design of the house and the builder. Now that’s a testament to a loving and trusting family!
“Couldn’t have done it without them,” confirms Pauline.
Better yet, the outcome has been excellent — Pauline found that SJD Homes were great builders.
While moving into their new home has been exciting, unfortunately Pauline became unwell earlier in the year and has recently completed her last cycle of chemotherapy. Her positive attitude and fighting spirit are inspiring to say the least.
As for settling into Kaduna Park, Pauline is enjoying having their first new house and getting to know neighbours:
“We are making friends and love the sound of children playing in the neighbourhood. It would be lovely to have a street party at Christmas!”
And for those wondering about the secret to being married for 46 years, Pauline puts it down to a combination of things:
“It’s a lot of hard work. And don’t take life or each other too seriously”, she advises.
We wish this wonderful couple many more years of marriage and happiness together in their new home at Kaduna Park!